Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reclaiming My Body

Navel piercing
Navel piercing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I've touched on the fact that I got started in body modification as a way to reclaim my body following abuse and it is something people ask me about. They can't really understand why it would help, or they don't believe that it is a good reason for a piercing or a tattoo. The only visible modification I have is my ears which are stretched a little bit, but I can't goo further because of work. I do also have my navel and my tongue pierced and I have a small tattoo on my hip of the words 'memento mori, memento vivere' which is Latin for 'remember your mortality, remember to live'. However, no-one sees those. I had them done for me, not the way they look.

It can be difficult to explain how they helped me to reclaim my body. I suppose in some way, my past meant that I had no control over what happened to my physical body and in surviving the ordeal I had to do something to take back by body and reclaim it as my own. In making the choice to adorn my body with piercings I was taking control of it for the first time in a long time. I was marking it as my own. My navel piercing was the first body modification I got. I had never even had my ears pierced before that. I think part of the healing process was that it hurt. Body piercings are painful, anyone who says otherwise is lying! However, it was a short lived pain and it was something I could see healing before my eyes. It served as a reminder that no matter how much I am hurt, I can get through it. I can heal myself. I never allowed my teenage trauma to break my spirit, but I did allow it to break my body. I never felt able to be comfortable in my own skin. I never dressed up or wore makeup or did anything to draw attention to my body. However, in making the choice to have a piercing, I felt like I was saying “You know what? This is my body and I am going to say what happens to it.” I truly believe that it worked because around 5 months after my first piercing I met my boyfriend and it was the first time I was able to be myself and actually relax around a man. I'm not saying a piercing will sort your love life out, but it did give me the confidence that when I met the right guy I didn't go running. I soon got my ears pierced, then my tongue and then stretched my ears.

With the tattoo it may be a little easier to explain. For many years I lived my life afraid. I was scared that if I took a risk on anything I would get hurt and I hadn't yet realised that it was ok to get hurt because I would heal. I was so afraid of getting hurt that I isolated myself and I didn't live my life. I don't think I have ever been suicidal, but I often think that with how I failed to have any resemblance of a life I might as well have been dead. It was my boyfriend who inspired the tattoo. After many dates, he was ready to take our relationship to something more serious and I felt the need to confess, because I new I had issues with trust and intimacy and this new level of our relationship would surely mean sex. When I managed to tell him everything he told me that he admired my ability to live my life regardless. He had no idea of the daily struggle to force myself to do so. We choose the words together and now they are my constant reminder that I only have one life and I cannot afford to waste it on fears and regrets. 

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