Monday, June 18, 2012

Is Women's Intuition A Myth?

Unless you have been living under a rock all of your life, you will have hear the term “women's intuition” used at some tie or another referring to the almost psychic abilitiy women seem to have when it comes to certain thinks. Now us women already know that we are superhuman, but is women's intuition real or just an urban myth?

Recent research into nonverbal communication has discovered that on the whole, the female gender is much better at reading facial expressions or emotions than their male counterparts. This means that women are much more likely to pick up on the emotions of others via subtle messages sent by the body. Women are also better at express emotions through facial expressions, body language and tone of voice. Men, on the other hand, are masters of the 'poker face' and are able to mask emotions. The research also indicates that women are more empathic than men and are more open to others emotional indicators. All of these factors combine to give the impression that women are equipped with this ability to divine what others are feeling and thinking.

The study has suggested that this ability developed because throughout history, women have had a lower level of social status and so they spent more time observing the goings on and gradually became more capable of reading nonverbal communications. It is also possible that the ability is intended to help women care for their children and to select a potential mate. However, there are plenty of men who are just as skilled in reading and communicating emotions and there is evidence to suggest that it is possible to improve your own nonverbal communication over time.

So in conclusion, women's intuition does seem to be something real, however; rather than a super natural power it is merely down to the differences in how the sexes process emotional communication and nonverbal skills.

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