Friday, September 21, 2012

Common tattoos for women

Over the past few decades tattoos have become a more popular choice of body modification for women who are looking at body modification, and the technology behind tattooing has also changed, from new types of inks to new kinds of equipment. Getting a tattoo these days is a lot safer than it used to be provided you visit a reputable tattooist. The same rules apply to tattoos as do for any other type of permanent body modification. Something that has not altered is the design of tattoos that women tend to opt for, as although statistics show that the amount of women who are being tattooed is catching up with the amount of men, women still tend to opt for the more “girly” kind of design.
One design that is probably the most popular choice amongst the ladies is the ubiquitous butterfly; this is followed by the so called tribal tattoo that is usually to be found at the base of the back. Shooting stars and stars are also becoming more and more popular as they can be a whole host of different styles, sizes and colors to choose from.
Women love flowers and flower tattoos are also incredibly popular with the humble rose being one of the most popular flower design tattoos, and such things as fairy’s, unicorns and dragonfly’s are being asked for by women when they visit a tattoo parlor. Heart shaped tattoos are another design that come in all kinds of shapes, sizes and colors and again they are one of the most popular designs to have not just among women but increasingly so with their male counterparts.
Animals and dolphins are becoming popular, ranging from dolphins to panthers and birds of prey such as eagle’s and falcons.
The Celtic tattoo is also gaining in popularity and these tattoos can be very intricate and can range from a Celtic cross to the more complex Celtic design that goes completely around the top of the arm.

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